Chrysler Engineers designed a power steering bracket that would pivot under load conditions. Unfortunately, over the years, the pivot bolt was over tighten during service causing it to lose its intended functionality. As a result, the power steering bracket would often crack. Power steering pumps are known to flap around when the pivot bolt was improperly tightened. The power steering bracket utilized a rubber snub to absorb the impact of the pivoting bracket. In many cases, these rubber snubs became worn and disconnected from the bracket, leaving no cushion for the bracket. Our car was no different. It was our objective to implement the engineering that was intended and make it better today. See pic below showing new modified pivot bolt and bracket.

See pic below to see how the bracket looked including the over tightened pivot bolt. Notice the rectangular hole where the rubber snub should be. Typical of Imperials from this era.

After sandblasting the brackets and drilling out the oblong shaped pivot bolt holes a new bolt and matching bushings were added to strengthen the integrity of the pivot mechanism. Notice the new rubber snub, that the pivot bracket sits against. See pic below.

Now that's a masterpiece!!

Completed PS bracket assembly.

Completed rebuilt TRW PS pump.

Chrysler made a specific tool (C-3832) to utilize in order to properly adjust the power steering belt tension. The majority of the time the power steering belt tension is improperly adjusted because the method of adjusting the power steering pump brackets isn't that intuitive. Utilizing this tool and online videos was a life saver. See pic of tool below.
